Belgin Şimşek, Gonca Hatun of Establishment Osman: I am happy to be compared to Türkan Şoray
Belgin Şimşek Opens Up About Establishment Osman, Horse Riding, and Her Career

Belgin Şimşek, Gonca Hatun of the Establishment Osman series, was seen shopping at City’s AVM. The actress, who stated that she took advantage of the repo day she found due to the busyness of the set, said, “I took advantage of today with my dentist appointment and shopping.”
Emphasizing that period projects have their own difficulties, Şimşek said, “This is a fact that everyone accepts. But as you get into the job, you get used to it and start to like these difficulties. Of course, details such as costumes, accessories and especially the use of swords make our job even more challenging. Our job is a little different than other period projects because we give a lot of space to action. We really ride horses at a gallop and this makes the job more physically tiring.”
The actress, who also talked about her horse riding experience, stated that she was nervous at first but got used to it over time. “I had ridden as a hobby before, but this time I worked more professionally. Since horses are very strong animals, you are scared at first. However, they reassure you because they understand your feelings. Now we are together almost every day and I am thinking of adopting a horse. I am looking at a farm near Polonezköy,” she said.
Expressing that horse riding has a deep-rooted history in Turkish culture, Şimşek said, “Horse riding is like a code from our ancestors; it is in our genes.”

Şimşek, who has been compared to Türkan Şoray with her beauty, expressed her feelings on the subject with the following words: “Yes, there are people who compare me to her and I am very happy when I hear this. Because Türkan Şoray is one of the most beautiful and talented women in Turkey. I hope I can leave a mark on my career like her.”
Signal for Return to Theatre
Saying that he took a break from theatre for a while due to his busy television projects, Şimşek also stated that he longed to return to the stage. He excited his fans by saying, “Theatre is a completely different passion for me. I want to return to the stage soon.”