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Holy Redemption: Horrifying tale of how settlers steal land in Palestine

The Disturbing Truth Behind Israeli Settler Actions in the West Bank

TRT Documentary Unveils the Horrors of Settler Expansion in Palestine

The recent screening of the TRT documentary. Holy Redemption” in Istanbul has unveiled the expansionist activities of Israeli settlers in Palestine. Filmed by TRT World teams across the occupied Palestinian territories, the documentary highlights the dangerous tactics used by the Hilltop Youth—a radical group focused on building illegal outposts and establishing new settlements throughout the West Bank.

“Holy Redemption” does not shy away from exposing the settlers’ brutal methods and their unwavering belief that all they see belongs to them by divine right. It sheds light on the Israeli state’s role in supporting these land grabs, from legal cover to financial backing, presenting a grim picture of the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians.

Hilltop Youth: A Radical Movement for Expansion

A central focus of the documentary is the Hilltop Youth—a group of mostly young men who believe that the land they see from the hilltops belongs to them by divine right. “Holy Redemption” features Daniella Weiss, a leader of the movement, who asserts that Jewish settlers must take Palestine. The film delves into their extremist ideology and shows how they justify committing acts of violence and stealing Palestinian lands—all in the name of religion.

Daniella Weiss, prominently featured, leads the movement, and the documentary lays her beliefs bare for the audience. She sees the Bible as a mandate to seize land and recounts a moment in 1967 when she interpreted air sirens as a divine call for expansion. The film presents Weiss as a dangerous figure, whose extreme beliefs settlers, the state of Israel, and its allies support with funding and arms.

The Human Cost of Settler Colonialism

The documentary starkly illustrates the human cost of the Hilltop Youth’s expansionist activities. Viewers witness members of the group invading Palestinian villages, committing acts of violence, and terrorizing local residents. The footage captures the harsh realities faced by Palestinians every day, giving voice to their suffering.

In one particularly haunting scene, Daniella Weiss dismisses the displacement of Palestinians, saying, “They could move to Egypt or Indonesia… they just don’t belong here”. This chilling sentiment is emblematic of the deep-seated hostility that fuels the expansionist agenda and reveals the extent of the settlers’ disregard for Palestinian lives.

The film also touches on Weiss’s past role in violence, including a 1987 firebomb attack that tragically claimed the life of a Jewish woman. The Hilltop Youth’s continued violent activities are a cause of concern even for Israeli authorities, with Shin Bet warning Prime Minister Netanyahu about the potential threat they pose.

The panel was held before the screening of the documentary "Holy Redemption," filmed by TRT World teams in the occupied Palestinian territories and depicting the atrocities committed by Jewish settlers against Palestinians i
The panel was held before the screening of the documentary “Holy Redemption,” filmed by TRT World. Teams in the occupied Palestinian territories and depicting the atrocities committed by Jewish settlers against Palestinians: In the West Bank, Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 24, 2024. (AA Photo)

Settler Groups Supported by International Fighters

One of the most alarming aspects of “Holy Redemption” is its portrayal of international involvement in the Hilltop Youth movement. The documentary shows young men, including British nationals, actively participating in Hilltop Youth activities and even serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). A former IDF soldier provides insight into how creating outposts forms part of a broader strategy to seize more Palestinian land, likening it to American colonial expansion.

The presence of international participants emphasizes the broader implications of settler colonialism. British settlers, appearing like typical university students, reveal the unsettling truth that such extremist ideologies are not limited to one region—they may also be spreading abroad.

Settler Dreams and Gaza’s Destruction

As the documentary unfolds, it becomes evident that the settlers’ ambitions stretch beyond the West Bank. Moreover, producer Aslıhan Eker Çakmak explains that while filming began before October 7, recent events have highlighted Gaza’s destruction as a key component of the settlers’ expansionist vision. Consequently, the narrative demonstrates how their goals extend far beyond current boundaries, ultimately affecting the entire region.

The film ends with unsettling images of settlers assigning plots of Gaza land as the IDF demolishes neighborhoods. In the final moments, young settler boys are shown pointing towards the flames and shouting, “Gaza! A haunting reminder of the ambitions driving the conflict and the devastating impact on Palestinian lives.

A Call to Witness the Chilling Truth

Holy Redemption serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing injustices in Palestine and the persistent threat of settler colonialism. By exposing the brutality of the Hilltop Youth and highlighting international complicity in these acts. The documentary urges the world to bear witness to these crimes.

The film is more than a documentary—it is a powerful call for awareness and action against the expansionist violence taking place in occupied Palestine. Don’t miss this gripping look into the harsh realities faced by Palestinians in the West Bank.

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