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Kuruluş Osman Episode 166 Analysis: A Powerful Conquest and Heartbreaking Loss

Kuruluş Osman started the new season in first place too!

Kuruluş Osman Episode 166 Analysis. The 166th episode of Kuruluş Osman continues to captivate audiences. It ranked first in Wednesday ratings, achieving a 6.37% share in the All People category and a 19.07% viewing share. In the 20+ABC1 demographic, the episode maintained a strong 6.30% rating and a 17.65% viewing share. This episode delivered another compelling chapter in Osman Bey’s journey, blending intense action with emotional depth.

A Fierce Battle and Victory at Karadin Castle

The episode’s main event was the intense confrontation between Osman Bey and Tekfur Andre at Karadin Castle. After weeks of buildup, the two finally clashed. Osman Bey struck blow after blow, defeating Tekfur Andre. He successfully captured Karadin Castle and rescued Alaeddin Bey. This triumph marked an important moment in Osman Bey’s expanding influence.

Tragic Loss for Gonca Hatun

While Osman Bey found victory on the battlefield, Gonca Hatun suffered a heartbreaking loss. After a difficult birth, Gonca Hatun lost her baby due to poisoning. Begüm Hatun accused Hazal Hatun of the crime, claiming that Gonca had unknowingly eaten poisoned halva meant for her. This led to Hazal Hatun’s arrest. The emotional scene where Gonca Hatun and Alaeddin Bey buried their baby, Hayme, in tears was deeply moving. It showcased the show’s ability to portray personal loss amid larger conflicts.

Commander Lucas’s Scheme

Meanwhile, Commander Lucas devised a plan to turn Osman Bey and Karesi Bey against each other. He manipulated the situation by using holy relics as leverage. However, Osman Bey quickly uncovered the truth. He realized that the monk in Karadin Castle, who wore a scorpion ring, had ties to General Magnus.

The Capture of Magnus and Recovery of Holy Relics

Holofira, an ally, sent a secret message to Osman Bey, warning him of Magnus. Osman took immediate action. He captured Magnus and recovered the holy relics, foiling Lucas’s plan. This marked another victory for Osman Bey, who restored both the relics and his honor.


Episode 166 of Kuruluş Osman expertly combined action, betrayal, and emotional turmoil. Osman Bey’s conquest of Karadin Castle showed his growing strength, while the loss of Gonca Hatun’s baby added depth to the story. The ongoing conflict between Turkish lords and their enemies continues to fuel the series’ captivating storyline.

Kuruluş Osman keeps its audience engaged with dramatic battles and personal stories. Fans eagerly await the next episode as Osman Bey’s journey unfolds. Watch Kuruluş Osman every Wednesday on ATV!

Kuruluş Osman Begins the Season Strong as Wednesday’s Top Show!

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